
Solasta crown of the magister dice set
Solasta crown of the magister dice set

solasta crown of the magister dice set

Best a Dwarven fighter maxed out on strength & constitution. Halflings are fantastic as theives/rogues, and also I have played a sorceror one to the very end.Ī tank/slugger. Look at Sylvan Elves and Half-Elves closely, as they make the best in a lot of classes.ĭwarves are good for clerics, fighters and possibly Paladins (alhtough IMO half-elves are better at the latter). My best party doesn't have any humans in it. I'll make those roles work or drop to the next lowest difficulty, same rules. That really should get me a lot of playtime and force me to learn everything about 5e asap - treating the game as more of a roguelite I've restarted and decided no save scumming, true ironman cata or everyone dies. Like there's a 3.5 hr video looking at the spells and other resources on rating them all. I'm just going with the iconic roles and spending a lot of time making sure I choose the best cantrips. I feel it's not about the party, but more my knowledge of 5e to really get the most out of the game.


I'm working out how to make a party like below happen. Really it doesn't matter at all what you choose, it's more of what you might regret by not choosing and that I feel is the driving factor for a second playthrough. If you want crafting, I say choose Wizard just because of their high INT score. Some roll 3 Clerics and 1 Paladin, you get a heal, you get a heal, I get a heal. Those are the 2 most popular choices I've seen in current cata party's. Hoping there's many new things a second playthrough covers or awesome user campaigns The only limits are the rules and the campaign can be experienced first only once. It's a video game and a sandbox, just as is every D&D irl campaign.

solasta crown of the magister dice set

It's all about what you want out of the game. And a big rule was you MUST rp your character at all times. There was a server that housed tons of campaigns, probably still up, tons of people kept their character there. You could do it in NWN, felt great, basically broke the game, and had a blast using it, until it got too easy as both me and my characters leveled up. Like if flying around as a mini-dragon sounds cool, sure, that was a thing. In 3.5e there was this crazy character you could make that'd break almost every game, you get to shapeshift into a dragon. Last one was NWN on 3.5e - This game and it's ruleset is a bit harder I feel. But I gotta give it my all even though I have little experience in 5e, been soaking up tons info about it, got the books (you're welcome wotc) I really didn't care about 5e before as there's zero video games out there that use it. I don't see going through the entire campaign again with a set of 4 more lvl 1 characters on a harder difficulty, but I might. I noticed I was doing it and had to stop playing. I started doing that and just kept doing it. I tried cata ironman, and gotta say it's not really ironman in the traditional sense, It lets you save scum. Great combo is for tough fights, or when attacked in camp, using the Paladin to cast Shield of Faith or Protection from Evil/Good on the cleric so the cleric has less risk of losing concentration checks form injuriesĪnd cleric casts Bless on the party, bless is awesome! He can start fights form afar with his bow, pull enemies to your party who should be hunkered down in safer spots for chopping because he should have good sneak and +1 movement as Sylvan elf so can rush back to the party Goodberry for food and the "marking" spells are VERY helpful (or you could take Jump spell for this character rather than the wizard if wish) Sylvan elf, ranger, Low life, give him rogue tools, and he can do traps, go for Archer style Human Wizard, Academic background, +1 to all stats is very helpful, destructive style, forget name of that Storm wizard?, the boost ot destructive spells is sweetĪLWAYS take "movement" spells, Jump, Spider Climb AND Misty Step (those two are vital to reach some places!), Fly and maybe Levitateįlaming Sphere is incredibly useful: light and damage that can be used for a long fight and to burn any enemy in a choke point She keeps folk alive, makes potions/scrolls Very tough keeps party alive, good for talking to NPCsĭwarf cleric (or, sylvan Elf if you wish) cleric, Life, Acolyte background RGR gets lowlife background, and they function as your thief for traps, locks etcĭwarf paladin, shield block ability, then higher level the style that gives a glowing magic boost ot your weapon etc (plus more defencive spells), lawbringer background Myself, I like a Pal, a Rgr, a CL and a Wiz. I know of some, who run it with 4 fighters. I know of folks running the original EA, with 4 wizards. Originally posted by jimdirks:Your individual play style should dictate that.

Solasta crown of the magister dice set