
Restore garmin backup file
Restore garmin backup file

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If you don't know which one of the thousands of database objects is incorrect, the simplest solution might be to roll back to a known working copy of the domain database. You can't just replace a DC to fix the problem, because the new DC will just end up with another distributed copy of the same broken database. This database change gets replicated out to all DCs, so now the service is broken across the whole domain. Let's say an admin inadvertently modifies or deletes an object in the database that breaks an AD service. You should never use the 'samba-tool domain backup/restore' commands to recover an individual DC.Īn example use case of restoring a domain

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It will replace its bad local copy of the database with a new copy that should hopefully be free from errors. In such a case, if you still have a working domain, then you can recover any DC by simply rejoining it to the domain. Each DC also has some local database information that does not get replicated, which could also be the cause of the problem.

Restore garmin backup file software#

This may be due to a local database corruption, or a software bug may mean database objects were not replicated to the DC correctly. Sometimes you may end up with a DC that is not operating correctly when the rest of the domain is working fine. When you run the 'samba-tool domain join dc' command on an existing DC, the DC's local database gets overwritten with a new copy of the domain database. Replication is periodically happening in the background to keep each DC's database in sync. There is one overall domain database containing all your user accounts and each DC has its own local copy. The AD domain database is distributed across the DCs. To restore subsequent DCs you must then join fresh new DCs to the restored DC. Restoring the backup-file will create a brand new DC with your domain's information. Note that the backup-file is a backup of your domain, not your DC. The backup-file can then be used to restore the domain using the 'samba-tool domain backup restore' command. tar.bz2 backup-file which contains an entire backup of the domain (based on a given DC). The backups are all produced using a variant of the 'samba-tool domain backup' command. These different types of backup have several things in common. This produces a backup file with the domain renamed, and is intended as only a temporary replacement. the samba process is not actually running).

Restore garmin backup file Offline#

It can also create a backup file when the DC is offline (i.e.

restore garmin backup file

This includes replication meta-data that's local to this particular DC and which is not included in online backups. This backs up the Samba files as they appear on disk. It's similar in functionality to joining a new DC to the network. This takes a clone of a running DC's database. There are a few different flavours of backup, which work in different ways and achieve different things: You only need to backup the domain data on one DC, but you can backup the domain data on all DC's for redundancy purposes, just remember that you will only use one of the backups to recreate your domain. If you are also using a DC as a fileserver (not recommended), you will also need to create separate backups of this data. Samba backups provide a way to recover your Samba AD domain, in the unlikely event that it suffers a catastrophic failure.

  • 11.4.3 What user should I run backups as?Īlthough you can rename a domain, it is currently not supported in a production domain for long-term use.
  • Why aren't my self-created and samba-created certs backed up?

    restore garmin backup file

  • 11.4.2 The private/tls folder is empty.
  • 1.2 An example use case of restoring a domain.

  • Restore garmin backup file